Lhasa Apso's & Shih Tzu's

We are Currently Top Breeders, Top Dog and Top Puppy 2024
Some 46 years ago in 1973 we purchase an Old English Sheepdog which we started to show followed by quite a few more with much success, soon to follow was a Bearded Collie , we bred Champions in both these breeds and along the way we imported two Old English Sheepdogs from Italy which also became Champions.
However, when in 2007 the goverment introduced the docking ban, we said we would not like an Old English Sheepdog with a tail.
we decided to changed our breed, on looking around we decided on a Lhasa Apso, which we purchased from the Dimara Kennel, but we were particularly drawn to the sire Champion Hashanah Picture This at Sealaw (owned by Mr Geoff Corish) we were very lucky as she became a Champion at the age of two years old, a couple of years later we bred and campaigned Champion Shenedene R U Lookin at Me. Not one to sit on our laurels we researced this breed for the best bloodlines we could find and as my father judges world wide maybe he could keep his eye open for excellent specimens that he comes across on his travels abroad.
On a judging assignment to Stockholm in Sweden he was introduced to Mr Juha Kares (the World famous Chic Choix breeder of Lhasa Apso's) the following year we were contacted by Mr Juha Kares asking if we could let him have a bitch on loan, we took out Champion Dimara Miss Izzabella of Shenedene to be mated to Am Champion Ta Sen Wyatt Earp.
We heard that the Sealaw Kennel had two puppy bitches that they were running on, so we asked if they would consider selling the second pick, which they said they would, I always remember Juha Kares say to me "sometimes in life when you don't need it an opportunity arises that you cannot dismiss and this is that time" this is some of the best advise I have been given without doubt as you can see from my pedigrees that this bitch (Sealaw Been Dreaming Again at Shenedene) was a producer of sheer quality.
The Chic Choix team aranged that we could borrow a lovely male called Int Champion Chic Choix My Man Ashley which we mated to Sealaw Been Dreaming Again at Shenedene which produced Multi & GB Champion Shenedene All About Me.
On a trip to Helsinki my father met Jaana & Mimmi Tumppila and the wonderful Multi Int & Am Champion Chic Choix Ta Sen Knockout which he arranged for him to visit the UK for a while, he was campaigned by us where he won his first Challenge Certificate at Crufts Dog Show followed by six more and added his GB champion title to his many other titles, however whilst we didn't get any progeny from Knockout we managed to get a bitch from a Stud (Littletohill Bit on the Side at Shenedene) which produced us ChampionShenedene Poloma Faith & My Next generation Shenedene Trade Secret.
We sent a very adolescent Shenedene All About Me to stay with Jaana & Mimmi Tumppila they shown him with great success and gained his title but his producing qualities was his greatest assest, he produced many champions for the FlyFly kennels and when he came back to the UK he gained his Championship title in record time, but whilst in Finland he produced International & Multi Champion FlyFly Surprise Me which came to Crufts and stayed with us for a while he gained 1 CC and a four Res CCs , but he was mated to Champion Shenedene Miss World which produced Champion Shenedene Don Carlos he also produced Champion Shenedene Paloma Faith which was quite a prolific winner and will be exhibited soon.
The Chic Choix team sent us a good producer in so far as Chic Choix Roof of the World which is a grandson of Champion Dimara Miss Izzabella of Shenedene which was mated to Sealaw Been Dreaming Again at Shenedene , which in turn produced the illustrious Champion Shenedene Miss World.
On another judging asignment to Helsinki my father gave Int & Fin /Am Champion Barjea Mai Ling Panda BOB and was so impressed with him that when he came home he said we need to try and obtain something out of this paricular dog, I was lucky enough to also see this dog much later in life when he was 12 years old and came away with the same opinion, Then as luck would have it a puppy was avalible from poland bred by the Azurowa Amhara Kennels his name was Magic Prince Azurowa Amhara he was a very striking B & W Particolour with the most wonderful pigment and correct coat, so we imported him with the intention to introduce him into our line.
All in all our hardwork and determination to produce consistenly winning Lhasa Apso's has been down to many things but the influence must go to Sealaw & Chic Choix kennels for their wisdom, advice and their superb quality dogs. we could not have done this without them.